Managing conflicts

Conflict in a company, whether with employees, service providers, staff representatives, trade unions or the authorities, is part of corporate life.

But conflict can also be anticipated, if not contained, through proper management of social relations and rigorous monitoring of situations that may be identified as being potentially risky within the company.

EXILAE Avocats advises employers on a daily basis and defends them in individual or collective disputes, before all competent jurisdictions in employment law.

All these disputes require a deep knowledge of the legal techniques of employment law, but also of administrative law and criminal law. Our lawyers and legal experts show creativity in litigation in order to achieve tangible and satisfactory results for our clients.

Practice areas

Managing pre-litigation issues
  • Managing whistleblowers
  • Managing the right to withdraw
  • Taking a transactional approach, assistance in mediation
  • Managing allegations of discrimination, harassment, unequal pay or delayed career development.
  • Managing the right to strike
Managing general disputes between the company and its employees or staff representatives
  • Assistance and representation before civil, criminal and administrative courts
  • Litigation regarding professional elections or the appointment of trade union representatives (District court- Tribunal d'Instance)
  • Social security litigation (Social Security Court- Tribunal des Affaires de Sécurité Sociale)
  • Individual labour disputes (Industrial Tribunal- Conseil de Prud'hommes)
  • Collective disputes (Regional Court- Tribunal de Grande Instance and Administrative Court-Tribunal Administratif)
  • Criminal liability of the legal entity or its directors (Police Court- Tribunal de Police, Criminal Court- Tribunal Correctionnel)
Managing a company's special litigation
  • Assistance and representation in URSSAF (French social security agency) and Labour Inspection procedures and inspections (Regional Directorates for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity (DREETS- Directions régionales de l’économie, de l’emploi, du travail et des solidarités))
  • Assistance and representation in procedures and inspections by the Defender of Rights (Défenseur des Droits)
  • Assistance and representation during OFII (French Office of Immigration and Integration- Office français de l'immigration et de l'intégration) procedures and inspections
Managing status-related litigation
  • Executive liability and delegation of authority
  • Obstructionism
  • Subcontracting and illegal supply of labour
  • Working time
  • Discrimination
  • Liability audit
  • Abusive use of short-term contracts
  • Illegal subcontracting
  • Harassment

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